Boundary Conditions#

The object BoundaryConditions connects the physical boundaries defined in Geometry with the actual physics. There are three boundary conditions: diffuse, mixed and periodic. In case of periodic boundary conditions, we can also specify a temperature jump (albeit is not strictly a temperature jump but a heat source/sink pair) applied along the associated direction. In our case, we apply a temperature jump of 1 K along x and associate the region Boundary to diffuse boundary conditions

from openbte.objects import BoundaryConditions

boundary_conditions = BoundaryConditions(periodic={'Periodic_x': 1,'Periodic_y':0},diffuse='Boundary')

The mixed boundary conditions include a thermostatting boundaries and a boundary conductance [in Wm \(^{-2}\) K \(^{-1}\)]

from openbte.objects import BoundaryConditions

boundary_conditions = BoundaryConditions(mixed={'Isothermal': {'value':300,'boundary_conductance':1e4}})

where we assumed that a region named Isothermal was previously defined.