AlmaBTE Interface#

AlmaBTE is a package that computes the thermal conductivity of bulk materials, thin films and superlattices. OpenBTE is interfaced with AlmaBTE for RTA calculations via the script

Assuming you have AlmaBTE in your current PATH, this an example for Si.

  • Download Silicon force constants from AlmaBTE’s database

    tar -xf Si.tar.xz && rm -rf Si.tar.xz
  • Compute bulk scattering time with AlmaBTE.

    echo "<singlecrystal>
    <compound name='Si'/>
    <gridDensity A='8' B='8' C='8'/>
    </singlecrystal>" > inputfile.xml
    VCAbuilder inputfile.xml
    phononinfo -f Si/Si_8_8_8.h5 300.0
  • A file named Si_8_8_8_300K.phononinfo is in your current directory. Note that you can specify the temperature. Here we choose 300 K. The file rta.db can then be created with

    AlmaBTE2OpenBTE Si_8_8_8_300K.phononinfo

Finally, you can load the data with

from openbte import load_rta

rta_data = load_rta('rta',source='local')